Safety Coordinator Duties

Basic Information Covering the Responsibilities of the Agency Safety Coordinator

Pursuant to SAM 0521.0, NRS 618.385 and the Governor’s Executive Order these are the basic responsibilities of an agency Safety Coordinator. Also listed are organizations with their representatives that can help you in the implementation of your agency’s safety programs.


    Risk Management Division: Oversees program implementation by State agencies; provides periodic reports to the Governor’s Office and State Legislature on the program status; coordinates and handles scheduling for statewide training, limited on-site training, safety surveys and audits, assistance with accident investigations, safety committees and general program assistance.

      •  Carson City – (775) 687-1753

        Safety Consultation and Training Section (SCATS): Comprehensive safety training, formal safety inspections, safety consultation services, and advice on OSHA Standards interpretation-Industrial Hygiene services.

          • Elko (775) 778-3312 
          • Las Vegas (702) 486-9140 
          • Reno (775) 688-3730

            Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Administration (NV OSHA): Enforces the safety laws and regulations throughout the State-provides interpretation on rules and standards.

              • Las Vegas (702) 486-9020 
              • Reno (775) 688-3700

                State Fire Marshal Division: Fire Code Inspections; Fire Investigations; Hazmat Training; Coordination and Assistance with Fire Drills and Fire Safety issues.

                  • Carson City (775) 684-7500 
                  • Las Vegas (702) 651-4910 
                  • Lovelock (775) 623-6525 
                  • Elko (775) 778-9577


                    • Coordinate the ongoing implementation of the Division’s Written Safety Program and the Early Return-to-Work Program. 
                    • Monitor all activities; provide guidance and assistance as needed and complete reports as requested by the Risk Management Division. 
                    • Participate in all Safety Committee meetings. 
                    • Conduct routine Safety Inspections of work areas. 
                    • Coordinate bi-annual emergency evacuation drills. 
                    • Maintain and update the OSHA 300 Log and post the log on the message/bulletin board from February 1 through April 30 of each year.
                    • Ensure that proper records of Safety Committee Meetings, Safety Training, Accident Investigations and Notice of Injury (C-1) Forms are maintained. 
                    • Ensure that Supervisors complete Accident Investigation Reports as necessary. 
                    • Review accident/injury reports, evaluate and provide recommendations to Department and/or Division Head. 
                    • Interact with Risk Management, Nevada Administrators, OSHES, SCATS, State Fire Marshal Division and the Third Party Administrator. 
                    • Ensure that updated safety and worker’s compensation posters are posted on the message/bulletin board. 
                    • Ensure that new supervisors receive appropriate safety and health training as posted on the Risk Management’s website, under Safety\Training.
                    • Assist supervisors in developing safety rules, safe job procedures, checklists, etc. 
                    • Ensure that new employees are provided UPON HIRE, information on the Department’s Written Safety Program, Emergency Evacuation Plan, accident reporting, etc. 
                    • Identify safety-training needs and develop action plan to complete training. Ensure that annual refresher training is accomplished as needed. 
                    • Identify budget needs and submit to proper agency representatives. 
                    • Coordinate the Early Return-to-Work Program. **Optional Assignment 
                    • New Safety Coordinators: Contact Risk Management for initial Training.
                    • Complete annual safety report and submit to Risk Management. Template is posted on the Risk Managements website under “Quick Links.”


                      Safety Specialist

                      201 S Roop Street Suite 201

                      Carson City, NV  89701

                      Phone: (775) 687-1753



                        Robert Trelford
                        Safety Specialist
                        (775) 687-1753