Property Loss/Damage Procedures

Agencies must take immediate action to preserve the property from further damage and secure the premises.

    Agencies should report property damage to the Risk Management Office as soon as possible and not later than 90 days from the incident date. Reports should be made utilizing the on-line system by clicking on this link and then click on "Submit a Vehicle Accident/Property Loss Claim." If you are reporting damage to state property click on “Submit Property Loss Report.” The report should be filled out as completely as possible. If the loss involves vandalism, theft, or other criminal activity, a copy of the police crime report should accompany the initial loss report. 

      If the claim has been accepted the agency starts the repair or replacement process by contacting the appropriate parties:

        • Internal Staff, such as Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Staff, Fire Marshal, etc.
        • Outside contractors or vendors (following purchasing requirements).
        • The State Public Works Board for repairs in excess of $25,000.
        • Other (e.g. Budget Office, etc.)

          The agency keeps Risk Management informed on the progress of the repair or replacement, including details of the cost. Insurance and Loss Prevention reviews to make the best use of resources and to ensure that proper costs are accounted for and that insurance policy conditions and provisions are being met. Damaged items should not be discarded until you have been given the go-ahead from Risk Management.

            Paying for a Loss

            If the agency pays for the entire loss out of its budget, reimbursement can be made directly to the agency to reimburse expenses, less the deductible, after receiving proof of repair/replacement and evidence that the invoices have been paid by the agency (e.g. copy of paid invoices, Data Warehouse of Nevada (DAWN) printout of Payment Voucher, or credit card receipt).

              Risk Management can directly pay the vendor In order to do this, it is necessary that we have the original invoice, written documentation from the agency that the work has been completed in an acceptable fashion, and the agency has paid Risk Management the appropriate deductible amount. We must have the deductible before we can pay the vendor.

                Agencies also have the option of paying the deductible directly to the vendor (although this may create some confusion), leaving Risk Management to pay the balance. Either of the above two options are preferred over this one.

                  *Note: Risk Management will pay the lesser amount of the repair or replacement, excluding any betterment.

                    Property claims are subject to a $10,000 per occurrence deductible. Boiler and Machinery losses are subject to a $10,000 deductible.

                      Claims over a specified amount (e.g. $5,000) must be reported by Risk Management to the excess property insurer in order to contribute to aggregate.

                        Subrogation & Collections: If the loss can be attributed to another party's negligence, and Risk Management is successful in recovering for the loss from that party, the deductible will be waived or refunded to the agency.


                            Maria Madera
                            Program Officer
                            (775) 687-1752