Repairs to Damaged Vehicles
Note: Coverage for automobile physical damage (i.e. comprehensive and collision losses) is not required, but is offered as an available option. Only vehicles for which this option has been elected will have their claims paid. Agencies are responsible for the entire amount of the loss if physical damage coverage was not elected. Upon acquisition of a vehicle, agencies have 31 calendar days during which this coverage will be automatically be in force. Should a claim be filed on such a vehicle, premium for self-funded physical damage insurance will be assessed retroactively back to the date of acquisition. Agencies should send all changes (additions, deletions, coverage changes) to the Attorney General's Office. The Attorney General's Office maintains the master data base for the self-funded automobile fleet. Any changes that are received in Risk Management should be routed immediately to the Attorney General's Office.
Insured vehicles are subject to deductibles: $1000 for collision losses; $1000 for comprehensive losses. The deductible is waived for glass repairs. Deductibles will be waived or reimbursed if the damage was caused by another party and the total amount of the loss is recovered from that party.
Reporting Procedures
Agencies should report physical damage to covered state vehicles (those with comprehensive and collision insurance) to the Risk Management Office as soon as possible and not later than 90 days from the incident date. Reports should be made utilizing the on-line system by clicking on this link and then click on "Submit a Vehicle Accident/Property Loss Claim." If you are reporting damage to a state vehicle including vandalism, windshield damage etc., click on "Submit a Vehicle Accident Report." The report should be filled out as completely as possible and accompanied by three repair estimates. It is the responsibility of the agency to secure and forward to the Risk Management Office any police reports that relate to a claim. Claims involving another party (that are likely to result in a claim against the state) must also be reported to the Tort Claims Adjuster in the Attorney General's Office.
Glass Repairs
Many times vehicle glass damage results from things like weather, rocks being thrown up from the roadway, vandalism, etc. This would categorize losses as comprehensive (as opposed to collision) and would make them subject to the $1000 deductible. If the damage is such that a repair (rather than replacement) will take care of the problem, agencies are encouraged to make the repair. These repairs usually cost between $30 - $50 and are 100% reimbursable (i.e., no deductible is applied). Multiple estimates are not required for glass repairs.
Number of Bids Collision Damage
When a state vehicle has been damaged in a collision, it is the responsibility of the owner-agency to secure three estimates for the repair of the vehicle. The repair must be made at the lowest possible cost and reimbursements will be made accordingly. If an agency chooses to make its own repairs, it still must obtain two other competitive bids if it wishes to be reimbursed.
If Another Party is Liable for the Damage
If a third party is responsible for the damage to the state vehicle, the involved agency may deal directly with that party/his insurer for the repair of the damaged vehicle. In these situations it may or may not be required to obtain three estimates (i.e. the adverse insurance company may require their own adjuster or appraiser to evaluate the damage to the state vehicle). This is true whether or not there is comprehensive and collision coverage on the state vehicle. However, if there was comprehensive & collision coverage on your vehicle, the Risk Management is available to assist agencies with recovering from at-fault third parties. The loss would be paid and we would then pursue recovery from the adverse party. If a full recovery is made from the adverse party, the agency would be reimbursed for 100% of the recovery amount (i.e. the deductible would be waived).
Payment to Vendors/Reimbursements to Agencies
If the agency pays for the entire loss out of its budget, reimbursement can be made directly to the agency to reimburse expenses, less the deductible, after receiving proof of repair/replacement and evidence that the invoices have been paid by the agency (e.g. copy of paid invoices, Data Warehouse of Nevada (DAWN) printout of Payment Voucher, or credit card receipt). Agencies doing their own repairs will be reimbursed for parts only, subject to the usual deductibles. Reimbursements are typically accomplished using a Journal Voucher (for those agencies in the state’s accounting system) or a Payment Voucher (for those agencies outside of the state accounting system).
Risk Management can directly pay the vendor In order to do this, it is necessary that we have the original invoice, written documentation from the agency that the work has been completed in an acceptable fashion, and the agency has paid Risk Management the appropriate deductible amount (e.g. $1000 per occurrence). We must have the deductible before we can pay the vendor. The exception to this is when the other party is at fault and we are confident of recovering the entire amount of the loss from that party. We also need copies of the three estimates.
Physical Damage Coverage for Rental Vehicles
Vehicles must be rented from companies with whom the Purchasing Division and Fleet Services Division have negotiated overriding agreements. It is not necessary for the agency to purchase additional insurance when renting under those agreements as part of the negotiated contract rates, includes insurance coverage. As such, usage of the negotiated contracts is mandatory. Any agency renting outside those agreements will be responsible for their own insurance coverage and for any accident claims.
Total Loss Replacements
An insured vehicle will be deemed to be a total loss when the cost to repair it (according to the low estimate) is 80% or more of the Kelly Blue Book (mid range) actual cash value (ACV). When this is done, Risk Management will hold the ACV amount in an account, which can be used by the agency towards the purchase of another vehicle. Those funds will be transferred to that agency or paid to a vendor upon purchase of the replacement vehicle. It should be noted that the ACV will be offset by the applied deductible and the high salvage bid. Agencies are responsible for securing reasonable salvage bids. Vehicles may be salvaged via the State Purchasing Division. Notify Purchasing (to remove the vehicle from the state inventory) and the Attorney General's Office (to delete the vehicle from self-funded insurance coverage) when a vehicle is totaled. Agencies may decide to keep a totaled vehicle (usually for parts). When they do this, the high salvage bid will still be deducted from any reimbursement that might be due them for the totaled vehicle. If a vehicle has been totaled, it may not be insured for any future physical damage.
Agencies may elect not to repair a vehicle which is damaged, but not determined to be a total loss (low repair estimate is greater than 70%, but less than 90% of the ACV). In such cases they may apply the amount of the low repair bid to the purchase of a replacement vehicle, if the agency elects to total the damaged vehicle. In these instances the agency may retain either the amount recovered through sale of salvage or the amount which would bring the loss up to the ACV, which ever is less.
Towing charges (in conjunction with an insured comprehensive or collision loss) will be reimbursed, subject to the appropriate per claim deductible. Towing should be limited to getting the disabled vehicle to the repair shop or to the closest state facility where it can be stored until such time as a repair can be done or until the vehicle can be sold.
should be made to minimize the cost of storage of a disabled vehicle in
commercial storage areas. Reasonable storage costs (generally not to exceed 10
days) are a reimbursable expense. However, if the duration of storage is likely
to be lengthy, the agency can request assistance from the Risk Management
Division to move the
vehicle to a State-owned property to minimize storage fees. The Risk Management Division will follow-up with agencies every
30 to 60 days to determine the status of the repairs. If excessive storage fees
are being accumulated the agency head will be contacted for appropriate action.